Thursday, May 19, 2016

Growth Mindset journal ideas, a sample, and looking at the area of a Triangle from another perspective, and packing list reminder for Camp Wahanowin

This posting will serve to present the question and a sample response for Friday's journal question.

If you do not want to look at the screen, this list of items has been given to you and is on the back of the handout that relates to some thoughts on success.

Here is my sample response for the item that is circled;

In Mathematics, we are going to be looking at the area of a triangle, but looking at it through the lens of Algebra.  In the next part of this unit, we will see what happens when the "answer" is given and you have to figure out what either the base or height of the triangle is.  It can be seen in the following example:

 How is this done?  It can be done a number of ways, but I think the easiest way will be through an approach I learned in Science in high school.  I think we called this approach the "magic triangle" way.  This will be explained to the students and we will have some opportunities to practice it.

Happy packing!  Enjoy your long weekend.