Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Play from Roseneath Theatre, collages, Orff, reviewing for the Math test, Jesse Wente on the Cleveland team name debate

We will be watching a play this morning.  I watched it last year, at Alexander Muir/Gladstone, I enjoyed it and related to it as someone who moves about the world very quickly.  Here is the synopsis, from the website:

SYNOPSIS: Jamie Cavanaugh has a problem. She’s always going too fast. “Slow down!” say her parents. “Pay attention!” says the teacher; but Jamie just can’t calm down or stay focused. The Incredible Speediness of Jamie Cavanaugh explores, with humour, insight and compassion, the hurt and confusion of being different when you can’t help it, and the challenges of being the target of school yard bullying. The hero of this remarkable play is a positive role model for young people with ADHD or other learning challenges.  
from:  http://roseneath.ca/20162017-season/the-incredible-speediness-of-jamie-cavanaugh-about-the-play/

A collection of collages, which are almost done.

Because of the shortened last week, we did not have our Orff class. Orff serves as our Music program for this school year. I love music, but not always the best with keeping rhythm.  I can see how this program will develop a sense of patterning and listening that extends beyond what we think of music. Before this afternoon's class, we will do some practicing today.

 This is not our class.

This is our class, practicing in Gym and a smaller group, performing in Orrf.

Multiplying Decimals:  This was a video I posted earlier.  It will serve as part of our review for tomorrow's test:

Here are the same digits, using the Lattice approach for multiplying:

CBC's Pop Culture journalist, weighed in on the Toronto Blue Jays facing the Cleveland, who have a team name that is rooted in a tradition of racism towards the Aboriginal people of North America.  Here is the link to the audio, from this morning's Metro Morning and a link to the article on the CBC website:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/programs/metromorning/cleveland-1.3799690


QSP Orders due in October 13
Math test on Thursday, October 13
Pizza Lunch forms and orders due on October 20