Monday, October 24, 2016

NYT, Introducing to Summarizing, Learning Skills and Work Habits

NYT:  What is Going on....

A more high res image can be found at

Summarizing:  Something we are doing in our Partnering in Library and in Writing class

There are a number of students who have told me in their introductory letters to me that they enjoy looking at images and visuals to enhance the learning experience.  So, to begin a look at summarizing, I came across some ideas from Pinterest.  I will include the names of the original authors of the images used in on this blog.  For now I will post them and refer back to these images, for reference.

from Pride Academic Solutions

From Dana Mueller be continued...

These are the areas of the Learning Skills and Work Habits we have been working on for this portion of Term 1, which is also known as the Progress Report Period.