Thursday, November 24, 2016

Working with decimals

Looking, Constructing, and understanding decimals:

I am going to explain the conceptual link between decimals and the work we have been doing in the Measurement strand.  I will use the King Henry chart to help with this:

Under the Operational Sense section in the Number Sense strand, is the ability to understand decimals to the 3 decimal spot.  This spot is known as the thousandths place.  We first looked at how small this is by checking out some Track and Field sprint videos.

Before we move into some Algebra, we will spend some time working with decimals.  They pop up in a lot of places, or not.

Decimals are important.  Consider how the place value works in determining the winner in some of these races:

Look at how the qualification table worked at the 2016 Olympics for the Women's Gymnastics team:
If I can find enough Base 10 manipulatives and do some constructing of numbers to 3 decimals spots!
Update:  We have not constructed our numbers yet, but we did find some more Base 10 items.  We will return to this tomorrow.

Think of the whole grid being a whole 1.0 and the other sections having particular values, indicated in the note.