Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Social Studies, take 2; peer teachers: Inferencing with The New York Times, Introducing the Reading Response, and a look at the Homework chart

Return to Social Studies

About a week ago, I ambitiously put together a post for our entry point into Social Studies.  It is an entry point that the TDSB begins its day with; a rightful and respectful acknowledgement that we are not Indigenous land.  

More information on this story can be found at:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/tdsb-indigenous-land-1.3773050

Here is the link, to the earlier post.  :http://rumblingsfrom52.blogspot.ca/2016/09/entering-social-studies-by-looking.html

Math helpers

For most students, doing a review of particular concepts is a good thing.  Using students to help explain some concepts is a good thing by providing some leadership opportunities:

  In both cases, the Lattice method was being explained.

I cut this video short and I wish I did not.  Saya was doing an excellent job explaining it.

Although I do not like students writing on desks, I was pleased to see a few students helping one another with this approach.

New York Times

This is the image from The New York Times inferencing exercise.  We will read/view the answer on Thursday or Friday.

Class Expecations

As a class, we signed off on our jointly developed expectations.  If you have not signed, I hope that you will.  Room 28 is a space we will all share and learn in and it is crucial that we respect one another and the process of learning.

Reading Response

One of the Term 1 Expectations for Reading involves developing the particular strategies of making connections, summarizing one's work, and asking questions.  I have used Reading Responses to do this.  From time to time, the students will have to do this with an article I provide or something they select.

I often grab a stack of the free local papers at transit stops as a common source for information. I wanted to model how it works by selecting this relevant article, which was also in the news on the CBC website.

Even before we read the article, Chole asked if this related to Halloween; she was making a connection to an experience she had. 

My response, as a model, looks like this:


What is going on in this picture journal response
Reading Response #1

This is a shot of the Homework chart, posted for all to see.

Why I had to race home to bake for my Partner's Birthday