Thursday, September 1, 2016

Grade 6 EQAO rumblings and the evolution in Room 28

News of the recent EQAO results have come out and it is not sounding as good as it once did.  As you know, the EQAO assessment is a snapshot of the progress of your son or daughter.  There are many other indicators going on which dictate his or her progress and the EQAO is not meant to be the pivotal item of information which determines the future.

Here is a Toronto Star link to an article on the issues around how the students did on Math:

Still.  There is something to be said for getting a sense of how they are doing and it is important to look at it and try to understand the information from the results. So, as the new teacher in Grade 6 at Dovercourt, it will be my responsibility to prepare the students, as best as possible, for this June, 2017 assessment.  There is so much to the Math curriculum in Grade 6 and it we will have to negotiate it very well to ensure the students feel competent and confident.

For your amusement, here is an interesting link to an article, from the CBC website.

progress in twenty-eight