Thursday, May 18, 2017

Math work in Room 28, hands on with solids, fractions, and my protein powder is Gendered...

So far this year, a lot of the Math we have covered have overlapped.  For example, in some of the recent questions for the volume of a rectangular prism, the skills we learned in Algebra have had to be used.

On the right-hand side of the page are items we still need to review before the end of the year.  Ideally, if we could stop time, I would cover them all before the Math portion of EQAO starts, but I don't think that will be possible.  I will do our best to go through the material in an engaging manner and respect the learning process (managing stress, ensuring a sense of confidence).

We will return to looking at Surface Area and Volume, with rectangular prisms, by doing some hands-on work with these items:

Today, we will begin to look at fractions.  I will be making a conceptual connection between fractions and the Probability strand in the coming days.  For now, we will begin by way of an introduction from our friend at Math Antics:

Here is my initial introduction to explaining the idea of fractions:

I did not take a photo of where I have shaded in the numerator.  So, in the first photo, 3 parts were shaded in.  In the second, 1 section was shaded in and so on.

This drawing was based on an older EQAO question that asked students to put a series of fractions in order.  I drew the shapes and divided them up, based on the fraction.

As you learned from the previous videos, the lowest common multiple is needed for the denominator, so our fractions are speaking the same language.  Remember:  multiples relate to the idea of the multiplication table.  

In the next picture, we have figured out that the multiple is 8.  This allows us to section each of our shapes into 8.  The shading remains the same, but we now have each shape divided into 8 and can count up how many parts of 8 are shaded and rank the fractions from the largest to the smallest.

The step that is not indicated here involves a brief explanation of what happens to the fraction when you determine what the common multiple is.  You have to multiply the denominator and numerator by the number that gives you the lowest common multiple.

Here is an example:

We will learn about these types of fractions, but this is the process of multiplying the top and the bottom by the same number.  Since our focus is on having the same language for the denominator.  In this case, let's assume the common multiple is 4.  Ask yourself what you have to multiply 2 by to get 4 and use this number to multiply the numerator by.  Taken from

I so appreciate Charlie's questions.  He thought the comparison of these shapes to chocolate bars/rectangles was cool, but what happens when the questions are more complex?  So, we posed another question:

I did not get a great picture of the initial question, but the fractions are on the side (3/6, 4/9, 2/5).  At first glance, it is not that easy to figure out what the lowest common multiple is, so we had to write out the multiples of the three numbers.  

We determined that it was 90.  Once that happens, we went back to the original fractions and multiplied the denominator by the number which gave us the common multiple.  For example, 6 needed to be multiplied by 15, 9 needed to be multiplied by 10, and 5 needed to be multiplied by 18.  REMEMBER:  What you multiply the denomiator by, multiply the numerator.

As for Probability, you may not have noticed, but it is part of our weather forecast:
The POP, or Probability of Precipitation, is expressed as a percentage.  In the Grade 6 curriculum, you are taught to think of it as a number between 0 and 1.  When it says 20%, for example, it can be also expressed as a decimal as 0.2 and as a fraction as 2/10.  As you can see,  Math is everywhere.

My protein powder is gendered!
A good conversation piece for Health and Media Literacy.

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