Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For the Grade 8 parents/guardians who were not available to make it to the meeting last night at AMG about the Grade 8-9 transition, here is a key piece of information you may be interested in:

Information about how the Special Education process works for high school will be discussed more with the students in class with the help of our Itinerant Counsellor, along with the IPRC (Identification Progress Review Committee) meetings in late November or December.

A folder with some general information about last night will be going home today.

Although written on the Homework board, there have been some items that students may need reminders about to complete before the end of the week:

- spelling:  unit work and dictation on Friday
- Historical Concepts definitions
- Reading Response #2
- Goal setting work (one for School and outside of School)

I think it is crucial that homework be monitored and completed.  During the presentation on high schools last night, it was mentioned that students will, most likely, have 4 different subject teachers in high school.  If each teacher gave the students one item of homework/night, that would be a lot of work to manage.

If students are able to get in the habit of using the agenda (writing stuff /work down and then checking it off when it is completed), it would be invaluable.

Have a positive day.  If you would like to communicate with me about anything related to this or any other Blog entry, please email me or write a note in the agenda.

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