Monday, June 19, 2017

Growth & Fixed Mindsets, Off the Rails, Math Homwork, Personification Art exercise examples, Handsome and Majestic Frayer models, The Pyramid of Hate, remembering the Japanese-Canadian internment & other incidents of Canada's Racism

Carol Dweck's Mindsets:

This video, and the thinking behind it, has heavily influenced and informed my teaching philosophy since I first heard about it 2011.  It all relates with the concept of yet, which we have talked about.  We won't look at all of these, but you can view them whenever you would like.

Off the Rails:

This is the New York City subway map that Darius McCollum knows very well.

Math Homework:

This is some homework from last week that we only got around to correcting today:

I should have added the step of converting the Mixed Fraction to the improper fraction:
Multiply 8 x 2, then add three and place it on top of the 8.

We will take a look at the work we have done in fractions.  This work will have to be reviewed in Grade 7, but it is the foundational work needed to move to the next part of working and understanding fractions.

Personified Art:

In case you were wondering about this assignment, I have reduced the list of elements of design to 3/6.  While I do not have great works of Art to accompany these examples, I am hoping these examples may help.  If not, ask me about it a little more:

for Texture

for Line

Frayer model & Health

There are still a few groups who need to complete this chart.  We did this as we reviewed the film Handsome and Majestic.  The Healthy Relationships aspect of the film is a key part of the Healthy Living section of the Health curriculum.

Pyramid of Hate:  Japanese-Canadian Internment

For Social Studies, we recently read the article on the anniversary commemorating  the Internment of Japanese-Canadian citizens during World War 2.  This action, sanctioned by the Canadian government at the time, fits into this teaching tool for understanding how hatred and distrust can lead to terrible things happening.

First, let us look at a little bit of the History of this unfortunate moment.  Here is Canada's David Suzuki:

Here is another short film worthy of viewing:

We will review and discuss the article and weave a train of thought among these items.

Some of the other instances of Canada's racist past can be seen here:

- Canada's rejection of Jewish Refugees, fleeing Germany in 1939: more information can also be found at:

- In 1914, the Komagata Maru was loaded with many British subjects from India.  On the boat, there were mostly Sikhs and some Muslims and some Hindus

- The Liberal government of Wilfred Laurier put forward a proposed ban on people of African descent (Black folks) on the 12th of August, 1911


- Of course, we should never forget the tragedy of the Residential School experience in Canda:

Probably not today, but we will shift our eyes to the idea of how Canada's upcoming 150 year Birthday may not resonate with many of our Indigenous Canadians.

from by Artist Eric Ritskes

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