Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013


- complete set of compound, simple, and complex sentences (extension provided/example posted on Friday's blog)

- Math study sheet for Zachary, Ellis, Kadeem, and Ewan:  pp:  136-140

-  Spelling work (handed out from Thursday of last week) is due tomorrow + final dictation

I was disappointed with the lack of effort from a lot of the students today.  A number of students had not completed the homework from the weekend.  I do not make it a habit to give out a lot of work and expect the students to take some responsibility and initiative in keeping up with the daily work they have to do.

Time is always provided in class for students to work on assignments and ask questions, if they need to.  I did an example, over the weekend, of a Study Sheet to share with the class.  I am going to share example I made for the class to see based on the homework pages assigned:

Today, we divided up the character roles for the Lance Armstrong Reading Comprehension/Drama exercise.  To prepare for this, we are looking into the performance enhancing drug scandal of the once famed cyclist.  Ask your son or daughter what role they will be playing and his or her initial thoughts on how they will approach the task.

I think there may be some more things to add to today's entry, but this may be it for now.
Have a good evening.

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