Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013


- place all 16 list words in alphabetical order
- write each word 3 times
- use 8 words from the list and create 5 sentences

- open book test postponed until Tuesday

- second page 5 of IEP (two copies were printed) should be signed and returned

IPRC/High School placement forms:
- should be signed and returned as soon as possible

** Math Study sheets were due today.  Only 2 or 3  students completed them, at home, for homework.   A number of them did it during some work time in class.  I am glad that they used the time to complete it, but I think it is important for the students to be develop a greater sense of responsibility for the work they are assigned.

Some students didn't even complete a Study Sheet.  This is worth 5 marks on the final test.  All Study Sheets will be returned to the students with comments and feedback and an in depth review will happen in class before the test.**

We had a very interesting discussion around the following Community Circle question.  The question required some more explanation and changing because the wording was not gender neutral (the use of "guys") and the class coming to the realization that no person is good or bad, but choices or action may be considered bad or good.

I did some filming and if I have some time, may edit a small collection of responses together.

A collection of torn collages continues to grow.  There are still a few students who need to complete this project.  Here is a sample of the collection we have so far:

 The last of the Lance as Armstrong presenters went today.  All marks were returned to the students, so you may ask your son or daughter how they did.

Joseba Beloki (former competitor)

Niall Farrell (blogger who felt betrayed by Lance Armstrong)

Lance Armstrong's brother (very disappointed)

A "believer" in Lance Armstrong (#1 fan)

Representative of Nike (who dropped Lance Armstrong after the confession)

Have a good evening.

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