Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

20% of the school year is done.  Wow.  That's 1/5 of the year completed.

Since I seem to be on a Math tip, I am going to post some images that may assist some students with the completion of the Math Study sheet.  I will post a little caption at the bottom of each image to help you.

worksheet relating to Hundredths or 1/100 or 0.01

not needed for the test but for general interest on the side of number and prefixes

a note I made on 2 models of number lines showing the value of numbers increasing and decreasing

worksheet on Tenths or 1/10 or 0.1

worksheet on Thousandths or 1/1000 or 0.001

A studysheet will be due on Monday.  More review will happen on Monday for next Wednesday's test.

We spent some time -- but not very much -- looking at some Math games to help the students understand units in measurement.  Here are the links that you can explore at home:

You may have to copy the link to your browser for them to work.  We will spend some more time "playing" next week.

We spent quite a bit of time this morning talking about issues relating to the third Reading Response I had the students complete:

- the students have to remember to use a Capital letter and period at the end of each sentence
- when making a compound sentence, do not capitalize the conjunction (joining word)

I also thought it was time to add another sample of a "good" response by doing one on an issue dear to my heart:  excess Halloween candy
 The original article is called "Trick or Treat Halloween Candy and Obesity" and I would post the link, but I am having trouble getting the page to load to copy the long link.

On the same note, we spent a lot of time in a lively conversation on digestion and nutrition.  One of mu goals with this unit was to have the students stop to think about what they are eating and why it is important to make smart choices.  I do not want to give the message that they should never eat "junk food" but they should just do it in moderation.  I enjoy junk food, from time to time, and I share that information with the class, so they don't see it as something that is bad to every now and then.
Next week, we will explore the topic of digestion further and the issue of caloric intake.

During this discussion I want the students to keep adding to the KWL charts we started last week.  Here is the one I did today on the IWB to help them along:
the idea is to add to the chart as questions come up or you learn something new
The entire Senior division is proudly participating in a fund raising event for the month of November.  Known as Movember, the month seeks to raise the awareness around Prostate Cancer.  Now that I think of it, most of the school is involved in this initiative.  The Grade 1/2 class dropped by to show off the moustaches they are growing for November.

 The students in Room 52 raised some money for Movember and were rewarded for their efforts by the fund raising coordinator, Mr. Marles.  Let's see:  who in the class will check out the blog and know what prize we received on Monday morning.  The winner will get an extra pinch at the end of the day!

Sorry I am full of sugar and colour and on my side!!
 The film from last Friday was only finished today.  It was by the filmaker Gus Van Sant.  In one of the most intriguing scenes of the movie, the protagonist goes head to head with his obnoxious English teacher.


Math study study sheet
Read 15 mins
Movember change ($)

Have a great weekend.  I hope you see some sunshine.

Two of the top students in Math class from Room 52

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