Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012


For those of you have not signed up, the Parent Teacher interviews are this Thursday evening and Friday morning.

This morning, the class was on rotary for International Languages and Gym and rounded out the morning with our Monday ritual of  sharing during Community Circle. 

In the afternoon, after reading from The Hunger Games and doing cursive writing, we began to explore some reading comprehension work that we did last week.  The class was divided into 4 groups and were responsible for answering a series of questions based on a short reading passage.  To assist the students, I continued with the theme of students, first, being able to understand the questions being asked.

Here is the list of questions I asked and the writing we did, as a group, to figure out what the question was asking.
Understanding the questions before answering them
Here are the samples of the answers the students offered:

Students double checking and completing questions

We will work on another group reading comprehension project before doing some individual work.

The number of students completing the collage work continue.  I am not sure if I posted this, but this is the list of expectations for the assignment.  It is posted on, what is called, a Success Criteria chart:

Guide to assist student work
Here are the samples of work submitted for today:





Read for 15 minutes

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