Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I am going to move a few things around on the blog, but I am posting this picture to help some of the students in the class.

Mr. P's sample sales pitch for Writing diagnostic
This short piece of descriptive writing uses some of the words from a list of Persuasive words and a sheet on food adjectives I found on the Internet.  Currently, the class is working on preparing short presentations on a food product they are creating/imagining.  Here is the list of words that I had posted on the IWD (Interactive White Board:  AKA The Promethean Board)

The purpose of this exercise is to warm them up to do the writing task tomorrow morning.  THIS WILL NOT BE GRADED but the Media and Art portion of the assignment will be.  Once we get through the writing exercise, more details will follow about the Art and Media project.

Tomorrow we will be beginning our first unit in Math.  It will be an integrated unit involving Number Sense and Measurement.  We will be looking at the concept of Place Value and Measurement as it relates to units of measure.  To intrigue the class, or so I think, I will have them watch this video to launch a conversation into numbers:

This exploration will continue tomorrow.  I am hoping we will be able to use our extra period in the Library (where the Computer Lab) to use the Internet to supplement my instruction in the class. There will be some homework tonight to have the students do some initial brainstorming on large and small numbers.

HOMEWORK:  Brainstorm in Math duotang on large and small numbers; IEP input forms were sent home today but dated from yesterday.  They need to be returned by Monday, September 17, 2012.  I forgot to send the forms with the students who take the bus.  I apologize for this.

Have a good evening.

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