Thursday, April 6, 2017

EQAO work, Geometry (coordinate plane review) HW, Health

EQAO practice:

On this rainy day, we finally got around to doing one of the EQAO Reading questions.  We voted to read the story on Marilyn Bell.  Here are some shots of the students at work:

After, we took a look at samples of how some responses were scored and the feedback they received from the evaluators.  Hopefully, this review over the next 6-7 weeks will familiarize the students with the type of thinking and work they will be doing on the assessment.


This is a coordinate plane.

This is a cool link which explains how the four quadrants work  Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, we are only looking at issues in quadrant one.

FYI, you will journey into the other quadrants next year, when they introduce the concept of Integers.  Personally, I think you could do it now:

This will mark our journey into the strand of Geometry.  The Homework, for the weekend, are on the following pages:

Health and Physical Education:  Healthy Living

Human Development and Sexual Health

I realize that this topic can be a bit intimidating and uncomfortable for some students, but I would like to provide a safe and healthy place for the students in Room 28 to ask some questions about early adolescence and topics related to puberty.

To do so, I have generated a short, anonymous, homework question based on the two expectations we will be looking at in the Grade 6 Health curriculum. 


Health question
Math textbook work:  pp. 188-189 # 1, 3, 6

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