Wednesday, March 11, 2015


An important bit of information from the last Grade 8 Geometry test:

With the Grade 7s, we are moving into some work that is becoming a little more challenging.  They are now understanding that the idea of the Mean refers to a set of numbers that is balanced out.  In the case of an average of 8/10, consider the following image:

This student scored the same mark on all 4 tests. A mark of 8/10.  The total number of marks is 32 (8x4)

In an example from today's lesson, we used the same idea of a person having 4 tests, but the marks varied.

As you can see, the range of marks was from 5-10 creating a range of 5.
There is no mode.
But the mean remain 8/10.  Observe the calculations in yellow.

There has been a considerable amount of time provided in class for the completion of the work listed below.

- completion of peer and self-evaluation sheet
- completion of final copy of Harris Burdick narrative paragraph
- completion of Art portion of assignment

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