Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A very brief entry.

In order to orient the class to some mapping work, we are going to be using a map of Canada and the United States to become more familiar with the location of specific locations.  A number of students are unfamiliar with where Vancouver, British Columbia is or Halifax Nova Scotia.  This is a worksheet that the students will be working on in class:

 The Math quiz scheduled for Thursday has been moved to Friday.  To assist with the review, I would encourage a review of the homework we have been doing in class and even some of the videos posted over the past couple of days on the blog.

I am going to post some images of work done in class and add a few comments about each image.

Only A is a rotation.  C is a reflection and B + D are translations

The completed and correct homework for the three key or "BIG IDEAS" of Transformational Geometry

A reflection and rotation of the shape.  Note both sets of coordinates of the original shape and image.

A classic translation or "slide" with coordinates given.
The students will also be working on their Superhero project related to their Strengths and Struggles as learners.  Details of the this project may be found on the Library blog page: 

The students will be working on a portion of the assignment where they will have to SAVE the image of the hero they are creating:
This is a code for the hero I am creating.  Instructions are provided of how to save it into a Microsoft Word file.  This file can be then used to load the details of the project and continue working on it.
  The link for the HeroMachine web site is:

Review your work, use the blog!

Here is a shot of Room 52's Monique Samuels who is ranked #6 in the City of Toronto in Shot Put in Grade 8.  She is with Kevon who was also ranked in the top 15 Shot for Grade 7

One more thing!  A close up shot of Zachary's beautiful looking diorama:

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