Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Here is a link to the Library blog with information about the Superhero assignemnt.
Only Part a) and b) of the assignment should be completed for now.

Tomorrow, I will explain Part c) (the sentence writing part).  (look for the link for Monday, June 17)

Here are are a few images of the heroes that have already been created:

Here is a reality health check fact:  Freezies do contain more sugar than a can of Coke.  This image is taken from

There are 39 grams in the small 355mL can.  One Freezie is  150 mL and contains 23 grams of sugar.  Based on the quantity of liquid you are consuming, there is more sugar per mL in the Freezie.

Here are a few images from the morning session of Jump Rope for Heart.  I was disappointed to see some students who did not get involved and get their hearts pumping.

Here are some afternoon shots:

I have a short video, but it is acting moody.  I will attempt to post it later.

Here it is!

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