Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A great deal of time this morning was spent talking about the joint Media/Art/Language project project related to Black/African History Month.  I realize that we are almost 1/2 way into the designated month for Black History and recognize that our discussions on this topic should not be limited to this month alone.

I am hoping that one of the goals of this month will be in expanding the students' understanding about how the study of History works and how some voices and perspectives our excluded and really limit our understanding about the past and present.

We started the brainstorming on a chart. I hope to keep adding to this as we move along in our discussions:

 Many of the details for the research project are located on the Library blog.

One of the exercises I am going to try for this project  relates to asking questions.  The Level 1 questions tend to be low level thinking questions and Level 3 and 4 questions require some more thought.  Here is an example I did.

I will have the students do a sample question on a topic they like to see how they do with setting up the questions.


- Spelling work due on Thursday (sentence activity + regular unit work + final dictation)
- Jot notes are past due
- Math:  pp. 134-135

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