Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

For homework tonight is a question from the Grade 6 EQAO assessment.  We spent some time practising a problem solving question using the method I introduced to them last week.  They worked in small groups and then I wrote up the answer using the KMWC template.

 This particular method of problem solving emphasizes breaking down the question into smaller parts for a clearer understanding of the problem.  For homework, one of four EQAO questions were assigned to be completed.  Here are the questions:

Yesterday, we concluded our Science lab on the dissolving jawbreakers.  I am in the process of grading them and disappointed that more students did not complete the Lab.   

dissolved candies (digested by water and vinegar)
The lab had to do with the process of digestion.  We will be doing a short research project on some aspect of the digestive system. 

To demonstrate how the initial steps of digestion takes place, each student placed a cracker in his or her mouth and observed how the saliva began to break it down.  The saliva contains amylase which begins the process of breaking down starch (chemical digestion).  After holding the cracker in the mouth for one minute, the mechanical digestion began with the chewing.

cracker holding and chewing (mmmm!)

 The Media project will be coming to an end.  The Art portion is expected to be complete this week.  I revised the Success |Criteria chart to make it clear what is expected of the assignment.  I also created an example of the jot notes, based on Matthew's project, for the sales pitch (presentation to class) on the product.

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