Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The results for the Grade 7 Math test were not as grave as I thought.  We are still spending some time reviewing the questions and using the correct student responses as a launching point. I had a sample question answered by Junior that I did not post from before:
He was one of the few students who used the correct formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle.

There is one more section of the test that will be reviewed tomorrow morning for the Grade 7s.  I will be giving them some group work to encourage peer support in understanding some of the more challenging concepts.

Here is an image from a bit of review we did this morning:

This image emphasizes the point that a shape may have different dimensions, but have the same perimeter.  I used the original image from Megan's test to show how she got this question right.  I highlighted in green to make it easier to read.  There will be another question, that I will upload either tonight or tomorrow which demonstrates this concept.

One of the review activities that both grades did involved a review and play of the numerous Math games I posted on the blog.  The students were given ample time to "play" and then record specific notes on what they learned.  As I looked over what they wrote, I noticed that some of the examples were not specific enough.  So, I reviewed 2 of the games and then posted my own response.

Something used during the Grade 8 Math lesson:

Here is an image from Google image of a map near my house.  It illustrates how you may see Parallel and Perpendicular lines on the streets of Toronto.

There is homework from the textbook tonight for the Grade 8s.

The final group of Storytellers should finish up this lengthy project, by Thursday.  Two students were scheduled to present today and did not.  I gave them an extension until tomorrow.  The expectations around this presentation have been explained to the students on more than one occasion.  

Here area couple of images from today's group of presenters:

Have a good evening.  The Grade 7s will be back on for having "official" homework, although they do have Prezi presentations due tomorrow, some have Storytelling to present, and any review of the blog (playing Math games) may help prepare for the upcoming Math Re-test.

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