Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The final Math test for this portion of the fraction unit will be on Friday.  Members of the class created individual Study Sheets, which they will receive feedback on, so they can review it on Thursday night.  Additionally, they will do a small group review on large paper tomorrow.

The IEPs will be sent home today.  They should have went home yesterday.  I was able to send a few home, but I missed the students who take the bus.  I am sorry about this.

After much thought, I decided to alter the Ideal Community/Society project to a poster.  The students will work on a rough copy tonight.  We talked about some of the qualities of what will make this a successful project.  Here is an image of the "Success Chart" we created:
We looked at a few examples of posters from the Internet.  Here are some of the examples of posters we looked at.  All images originated from  the following site:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1a5e65ab8e6295c5&biw=1245&bih=621

The observations of the charts were recorded on the chalkboard.  They are the the left of my "rough" draft of my poster.  3 of the students in the class have completed their drafts and the rest of the class will complete this for homework.

I am curious to see how many students are able to apply the thinking we did today and translate it to their homework. Since this is the rough stage of the process, there is room for feedback from me and alterations by the students.  This homework should be done in the Language notebook.

The Grade 7s have to return their forms to indicate if they are going to participate in the upcoming trip to Albion Hills.  Ms. Sitarek wants this form for tomorrow.

Due to the recent fundraising by the school, we will be returning to Indigo to buy some books!!  This trip will be happening on the 24th of October, in the morning.  Permission forms went home yesterday and must be brought back as soon as possible.  Each student will be able to buy 2 books, to be housed in the school Library. This is an awesome opportunity!!  The students will have to supply their own TTC fare.  $.75 x 2 for the Grade 7s and $1.50 x 2 for the Grade 8s.

Have an enjoyable evening.

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