Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thursday, October 27 and Friday, October 28

I was away for a half a day on Thursday and the entire day on Friday.
I expect to provide a more extensive account of the day when I return to class on Monday.  The class has been working on completing their posters and beginning to work on a joint exercise of Drama and History.

As we completed -- I imagine -- the film Animal Farm, I asked the students to think of these questions:
I look forward to reading the responses when I return.

The History work will be in form of Drama.  The students came up with some definitions for key concepts often explored in history.  We reviewed some of these ideas as we talked about the recent events in Libya.  Here is the list we came up with:
The students, in small groups, will come up with skits which integrate all of these ideas.  More details to follow.
The Tracking Chart has been filling up with assignments.  I am regularly reminding students to check to see if they have been up to date with completing their work.  In addition to using the agenda to record their work, the chart is intended to be a visual reminder of items that I am often evaluating.  Keeping track of their work provides the students with some measure of responsibility.  You will see this chart when you come in for your conference with myself and Mrs. Machado in November.  Here is a recent photo of the chart:

HOMEWORK:  There was no homework assigned this weekend, but the Journal response (to Animal Farm) was to be completed if it wasn't in class.

Enjoy the weekend.

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