Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Rumblings from Virtual School: Navigating the early days of Brightspace



This year I will not be in my Centrally Assigned role and returning to the classroom -- the  Virtual Classroom.  This is exciting but I have not been assigned a class and it is the first day of school!

I am hoping this will be straightened out so my Students and I can begin to navigate this new space of learning.  For now, I am going to post some screenshots with information about the Brightspace learning platform under the inference that some Parents or Students may have "Googled" my name, wondering who this Mr. Proudfoot it.

First, what is Brightspace?  Since I am still attempting to figure and learn about the platform, I will post some images that may be helpful.

In order for you to get onto Brightspace, you are going to need to create an account.  I am hoping the following images will be helpful in explaining this process.  First, follow this link:  http://tdsb.elearningontario.ca

It will take you to a page that looks like this:

You will follow the orange link.  Eventually, the Students will follow the green one.  You will be prompted to set up an account.

Once this is setup, you you should be able to login to Brightspace.

In the time that I wrote this post, a YouTube video came out explaining this process.  It is kind of long, but it will probably help you through this process.

I hope this helps.  I am not even sure if any of my Parents, Guardians or Students will get this.  I hope so and look forward to working together to learn this year!

I look forward to Brightspacing soon in this school year.


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