Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am writing this on Wednesday night but inspired by something I read on my LD Online newsletter.  It is a short video preview of a film that is premiering at the Sundance Film Festival on Dyslexia.  It is quite inspiring.

 A fair bit of time was spent today on getting the Health projects ready.  From glancing at the first drafts, I can see that a lot of students are having challenges integrating the question into their answers.  So, I foresee some of the students doing another draft.
For example, the #4 question of the assignment is how will this affect your health?  A number of students are not answering this clearly.  This morning I demonstrated how to take jot notes from articles on a given topic.  The topic I selected was on ADHD.  Here are two links to the articles I read:

Here are the jot notes I made and projected on the SMARTBoard:
I started to do a model answer to the question, who would this health issue effect?  My answer sounds like this: 
ADHD affects five percent of the Ontario school population.  There are 2.1 million students in the Ontario school system. 

I realize that I am going to model an answer to all of the questions for the project and clearly explain the steps to writing a correct answer which clearly relates the information the question asks.  This type of work is difficult and a number of students have difficulty with reading comprehension (understanding what they read and being able to explain what they read).

If students are interested in revising their work tomorrow, after the lesson, they will be able to.  Before the projects are given to Mr. Moye, I will evaluate them.

HOMEWORK:  Problem solving questions for multiplication + jot note completion for Bishop, Johnson, George, and Mathew

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