Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The class did not attend Library today but will make up their period another time.  Ms. Wills, our Teacher Librarian, was out at Indigo doing some shopping for the school.

The students shared, during Community Circle, some thoughts on the trip to Central Tech and the activities which took place when the Grade 7s helped out in the Grade 1 classroom.

We returned to our Measurement Unit on Time.  I think I mentioned that it mostly a concept taught between Grades 1 and 5, but an important life skill.  I realize that students can look at a digital clock to see the time, but there is value in being able to figure our information from an analog clock (understanding the concepts of a half, a quarter or the idea of elapsed time).  I found an interesting site to play some Math games online and we will do this, hopefully tomorrow. 

The students began to work on the Jigsaw exercise I mentioned either on Monday or Tuesday.  All of the groups looked at small section of the article and wrote brief notes on their part.  The experts will then present this to the class tomorrow.  The original article is the second image from the bottom of the selection of images.  Here are some photos of them at work.

HOMEWORK:  Double sided Math sheet

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