Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wenesday, June 8, 2011

Until the end of the school year, we will continue to read quietly in the morning. If students wish to bring a morning snack to eat, they will be allowed to.  I strongly encourage them to bring water bottles (preferably not plastic) to keep hydrated during these hot days.

I took the group of 3 Grade 8 students to review the Algebra Pretest that I marked.  The final test will be on Thursday. The Grade 7s underwent two reviews of Longitude and Latitude to prepare for Thursday's quiz.

The class spent a large part of the day looking at the issue of inferring.  We used a graphic organizer and series of photographs to record facts and then infer from them.  We did two examples, before the students were broken into groups to work on other photos.  Here is the first photo and our recorded observations:
There were two photos I forgot to upload to the blog from yesterday's movement exercise.  Here they are:

Homework:  Grade 8 Algebra Final
                    Bixie Bike Pretest comprehension questions for 7s and 8s
                    Grade 7 Geography quiz

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