Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This morning we welcomed everyone back from a long weekend.  After snack and quiet reading, we had an extended Community Circle where everyone shared one special thing that really stood out from the weekend.

A Reading Comprehension assignment was returned to the students today.  The purpose of this assignment was to determine if improvements were made in understanding the ideas in the text.  Out of 13 students, 8 improved, 4 had their grades remain the same, and only 1 student when marginally down.  I encouraged the students to ask questions about questions they were confused about and a few did.  It is my aim, in the coming years, to have the students become stronger advocates for themselves and ask questions about things they may not understand.  This assignment will serve as part of their reading mark for this term.

The Grade 7s had Music and Family Studies today and the Grade8s has Geography with Ms. Ayearst along with Family Studies. 

We reviewed the concepts of longitude and latitude with the Grade 7s, but I think the concept is a little abstract for the class.  I will try to simplify the concept by using only the Prime Meridian and Equator as reference points for the class.  Once they have grasped that, we will proceed accordingly.

The Progress Reports were sent out today.  I hope that you will read them and sign them and have them returned by Friday, May 24.  If you would like to keep it, please let me know that you have seen it and I will return it to you.  Most of the comments I made concern the work habits of the students and are not academically based.

Homework:  Return Progress Reports (with signature by Friday, May 24), 
                    Quiznos sub forms due on Friday, May 24
                     Reading Response for article on Plastic Bags in the trees at Dufferin Mall

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