Thursday, January 18, 2018

Working with Measures of Central Tendency, Reminders, BCI

I couldn't find my phone to take photos of this exercise, so I used the document camera instead.

The intention of this sample, demonstrated by me, along with the subsequent group work, was to support the short but involved homework questions, which will be taken up on Thursday.

Although it is difficult to tell, the student groups are working on constructing data using the coloured cubes.

Student sample with all the results being the same & results being distributed differently.  In both cases, the MEAN is the same.

A more advanced question was then given out to the class, based on the homework.  The idea behind this -- and I did not get to capture this -- was the teaching done in the small groups amongst the peer groupings.  Feedback on the questions, along with additional information, is on GC. 

Question:  broken down

As Report Card season is about to begin, I want to inform you that the students are being regularly reminded of work they need to submit for evaluation.  With that work, often, are samples, done by me to help model what is expected.  I will often post reminders in the class or on GC.

Grade 8 trip to Oor Collegiate Institiute.  It is very similar to Bloor Collegiate Institute.

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