Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Outstanding Homework and what to do next...

Last week I sent home a letter with some students, detailing the work  they had not handed in.  Please sign this form, indicating you have seen it, and return it as soon as possible.

In addition to the Homework chart in the class, I have posted a series of items on the front board, detailing what some of the assignments look like.  All of the assignments are inside the blue, hanging file folder and if a student cannot find something, he or she should come and talk with me.  I would also like students to get in the habit of asking a peer, in the classroom, for some guidance, when they are not sure what to do.  This will be an invaluable habit to carry through to high school.

Many of the items, listed on the outstanding homework sheet, are pictured in this image.

All previous assignments are located inside the folders in the blue hanging file thingy.
One other thing.  I would like to see students become more active with using their agendas.  Agenda use is not confined only to the end of the day.  I am encouraging students to use it, throughout the day, to record notes or assignments.  This comes in handy, especially when some students have to rush off on the bus, at the end of the day.

In developing the habits of keeping on track of what work needs to be done, the work won't pile up and seem so overwhelming.

If any of the work, which was detailed on the note home, is handed in, I will assess it.
In certain, unreasonable circumstances, I may not.  If a considerable amount of time has passed, and extensions and modifications provided, I may decline to assess and evaluate the work.  If this is the case, the student will be given ample warning that this is going to happen.

Ask for help, and take one step at a time.

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