Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Algebra on Toronto Island, the Myth, and Reading Responses

Algebra in the world

One of the review questions/problems we did in class asked about a bike rental.  The problem gave you the fee for rental, the price/hour and the total cost.  The challenging part was figuring out how many hours the person rented the bike for.

In an attempt to find a "real life" example of this, I went to the bike rental place on one of the Toronto islands.  On the webpage, you will find other rates for larger bikes.  The question and a few select answers will be posted on the Google Classroom Math page for 7/8B.

group review/ problem-solving work

Language:  pulling the Myth together

In the photo below, I have posted up the parts of the assignment which pull everything together.  Copies of all of the materials, with the exception of my samples, are available in the Language folder at the front of the class.

Going clockwise from the top-left:
1.  Initial brainstorming part of assignment where a t-chart was to be created and handed in to Mr. P for some initial feedback
2. two-sided graphic organizer to help organize the writing
3.  Mr. P's sample of #2
4.  Success Criteria and evaluation form (how the assignment will be graded)

Reading Responses:  Brougham + Proudfoot

A couple of short assignments were handed out.  I will post them on Google Classroom for you to see.  The "Proudfoot" response is one the students have completed before.  The Brougham one was shared with me and another approach to engaging with a book.  They are different but have the same objective of improving students' reading comprehension.

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