Sunday, November 26, 2017

Canada History Week, Calgary's weather, Hades + the coaster...


I was not aware of this happening last week and will return to this resource and use some of it for this week's History lessons.


When Mr. Toale stepped in to work with the class on Friday, I noticed the Math word problems you did.  As I review some of the questions about Integers, it makes me think about the up and down weather that Calgary often faces:
There was a question about a rollercoaster ride.  I have not calculated the answer, but I have seen three different results for the same question.  Before I try to figure it out, I will say that the ride seems to end UNDERGROUND.  So, in honour of the answer, here is a cool video, relating a little bit to the question:

In Greek mythology, Hades was the god of the underworld:

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