Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Study Sheet and Word problems, wicked 4 Corners and a Middle Discussion, Homework board

The guide for the Study Sheet was listed here.  As an example, I did this one:

Here is an example of a Study Sheet from a former student.  Coincidently, the topic in questions involved factoring and multiples:

For some students in the class, some of the concepts may still be a little confusing.  Without too much information, I will construct a short note on how you can use the multiplication table and a 100s chart to help you with some of the questions on the upcoming test.

The other portion of the word problems from Tuesday was this question:

The solutions to the problems, from the students, are here.  What is missing, though, is some feedback.  I will look at them tomorrow and post them up so each group can see the strengths and suggestions for improvement.

For practice, I will post the sample Study Sheet on Google Classroom within a few hours.  For those students having difficulty logging on, we can aim to sort that out before the end of the week.


It was super inspiring to have the first of three 4 Corners & a Middle (perhaps I should copyright this) discussion on the renaming of schools.  I was a little apprehensive about students coming forward, but he had some great contributions as evidenced by my furious note-taking for the group from 7/8C:


The Homework board has found a place at the front of the room and in the corner.  Most of the items are either referenced on the blog or on Google Classroom, or will be.  Here is a shot from today's board:
The agenda should have these items in it and should be used. 
Tonight's Math Homework is on Google Classroom.  A note, incorporating some Math teaching today, will be handed out tomorrow.  

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