Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fractions Review: Part 2, the Probability spinner, some more details and supportsd for the "Food Project" assignment

This is another review of fractions, to assist the Grade 8s in understanding the more complex aspects of Probability.

This will be applicable to today's lesson and activity involving a spinner (see video from

One of the exercises I designed for them will have them, in groups or on their own, measure the Experimental and Theoretical Probabilities using a simple spinner.

To explain this, I also will use this link for an online spinner:

The following results were based on the experiment I did to compare the two types of Probabilities.  In this case, I only spun 36 times.  The number of times the students spun was a multiple of the possible outcomes of the spinner they selected.  For example, if you had 6 outcomes, I would suggest doing 36 spins.:   1/6 = 6/36.  So, if there were 36 spins, each colour would come up 6 times.  The fractions in orange are equivalent. Both fractions are equal to a Probability of 16.7%.

A shot of Brendan's spinning work:

If the number of spins is increased, the Experimental and Theoretical Probabilities are supposed to come together or balance out.  For example, using the same program, I had the computer simulate 1000 spins with the following results:

We had the same experience when we looked at the dice rolling game where the two die were multiplied together.

When we then had 6 groups pool the results of rolling the dice (for a total of 216 times) we ended up with this data:

The possible products (answers of the dice being multiplied together after being rolled) are on the left and the number of times the answer came up are on the right

The "Food Project" project is a multi-step Writing, Media, and Art activity.  Right now, we are focused on the writing process and looking towards developing our drafts.  To provide some perspective, I copied a few pages from the Ministry Exemplar outlining a Level 1 (D) and Level 4 (A) finished product.  Yesterday, we looked at a Level 3 (B) example.

All of the students should now be in possession of the materials they need for working on this project.  By the end of the day, I hope that I will have the bulletin board set up with samples and guidelines to help the students.

A reference point for students to see all of the components required for the "Food Project" assignment.

The project began as jot notes and is proceeding through the stages outlined on the board. 

A list of potential Literary devices is posted here and will be handed out to the students:

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