Thursday, February 26, 2015

Measures of Central Tendency Online games (Grade 7s), CAT 4 results going home, upcoming Sub lunch

Here are some links for some interactive games on Mean, Median, and Mode (Measures of Central Tendency).  

Game 1: an interactive game with great vocabulary tools

Game 2:

Game 3: a more typical, less graphic game

To make the students accountable for playing and interacting with these games, they are required to fill in the following:

A line is missing, but they are required to be accountable for reporting/reflecting on 3 games.

The CAT 4 is a nationwide assessment done by all students who are a TDSB Model School (  Information about the assessment may be seen at the following site:  The assessment is broken down into the following categories:

A summary of the results will be going home today.

There will be a Quiznos lunch coming on March 12th.  The form is going home today:

I managed to track down a copy of an audio-book of famous authors who have created stories around the Mysteries of Harris Burdick.

We started listening to one story today based on the following illustration.  Like the narrative paragraphs the students have to write, it included the use of the line from the illustration.  Unfortunately in this image, you cannot see the line.

The introduction to this volume we are listening to can be seen in this Youtube video:

All students are strongly encouraged to get caught up on any homework that has not been completed on the chart.  Some students took home this work to complete.

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