In stretching our Mathematical Minds, there was a lot of work that happened today.
The homework done a couple of nights ago was taken up and corrected today.
I check homework for completion but then take it up for the whole group to see and then correct.
Second Pool: slightly shorter and wider,
but with the same perimeter, but different area. |
I could see that some of the students were having some challenges with the Geoboards last week, so we did some review. Thanks to Heather for creating a couple of shapes that we could talk about:
First Pool |
I am trying to use the formula with the students. You will notice I only counted the lengths and widths (with the marks) and then multiplied by 2. These samples illustrate how a rectangle may have a different area, but have the same perimeter.
Two examples of work the Grade 8s are doing. There are 4 samples of student questions on the board. I wanted to have all of the students do a question, but a number of them did not do the work,
which I find frustrating.
It is homework and not graded. Students are encouraged to ask questions and copy down the correct answers.
A number of students are having difficulty understanding where to begin when answering this type of question.
I have encouraged the students, both in Grade 7 and 8 to review their work on a daily basis. This review would also include the notes taken in class.
Although not from a lesson directly, knowing the parts of the circle is a big plus:
I was going to give the students some more challenging work, but I think I will hold off until we are more confident with the basic questions relating to calculating the circumference.
In terms of our Media project, I feel more comfortable in breaking it down into some more manageable steps for the students. I am trying to model the project by doing one of my own. The students recently received a Triangle for
understanding and
creating a media project.
This is an old copy of a triangle for producing a media text, but you will get the idea of what I am talking about:
Using the idea of creating an Ideal Society for students who drop out of high school, I came up with this. It may look a little crowded with information, but it is something your son or daughter has seen before.
I will go over this again in class. I attempted to answer some of the questions I had checked off on all sides of the triangle. Since I will be creating only a rough draft of my initial ideas, there will always be room for improvement.
There is no homework tonight, but t he students are encouraged to review their notes and begin thinking about the Ideal Society Media project.
Have a pleasant evening.